

Prayer is a powerful telescope
That lets the eye see far
To the star of things as they ought to be
From the land of things as they are.

And prayer, too, is a microscope
That lets the eye see near
And count the worth of things of earth
The hear holds close and dear.

-Author unknown

We Always Hold in Prayer:

ALL those in dealing with the very tough days of war.  Pray for all the innocent lives lost, hostages taken, those who have lost everything.  Pray for Peace.

ALL who are affected by seasonal storms, tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, volcanoes & all natural disasters.  Pray for recovery, rebuilding, the first responders & all emergency personnel.

ALL who are affected by violence, hate and terror attacks including the too many shootings happening in our country and around the world.  ALL lives matter.  Pray for Healing & Peace; may Love overcome hate.

The US Military for their service & all those who are serving fighting for peace, freedom and human rights we all deserve.  Pray for peace, end to wars & for war victims.

Those who face continuing medical and mental issues and their family and friends going through tough times with them.

Those with difficult life issues such as addictions, loneliness, marriage or family troubles, divorce, abuse, work needs.

Our college students.  Pray for their guidance.

Those who are traveling.

The homeless & hungry.

Those who are in prison. 

Missionaries around the world.

Those who want or need to commit their life to Jesus Christ.

Brothers & Sisters in faith in our community & around the world